What is protein and Why is protein so important in our dailylife?

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Few nutrients are as important to our body as protein. If your diet doesn't provide your daily protein intake through food, your health and body composition may suffer.

However, everyone's daily protein needs are different. The Food and Drug Administration and most nutrition information agencies recommend eating more protein than you think. The average daily protein intake for adults is between 0.8 and 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight for adults.
  • For an inactive, mostly sedentary man, the protein intake required per day is 56g.
  • For an inactive, mostly sedentary woman, the protein intake required per day is 46 grams.
This daily protein intake is sufficient to prevent protein deficiency in the body. However, multiple studies have shown that protein intake may not be sufficient to ensure optimal health and body composition.

Your individual daily protein intake depends on several factors, including your usual activity level, age, weight, muscle mass and current health status. Learn how your daily protein intake is influenced by lifestyle factors such as weight loss and muscle gain.

What is Protein?

Protein is a major building block of the body's muscles, tendons, organs and skin. It is used to make a variety of small molecules that perform many important functions, including hormones and neurotransmitters. It is impossible to live without protein.

Proteins are made of smaller molecules called amino acids, which are linked together like beads. These linked amino acids form long protein chains and are built into complex shapes.

Some of these amino acids can be made by the body, while others must be supplied through food. These amino acids are called essential amino acids.

Protein must be of good quality, not just quantity. In general, animal protein provides all essential amino acids in the right ratio to help you get the most out of it. This is because animal protein is similar to human tissue.

You should eat animal protein foods such as eggs, meat, seafood or dairy products every day. However, if you don't eat animal protein foods, it can be difficult to get all the protein and essential amino acids your body needs. Plant proteins such as soy may be substituted, but animal proteins are of better quality and more efficient.

And protein supplements are not necessary for most people. Protein supplements are useful for athletes who are physically active or bodybuilders.

How Much Protein Should You Eat per Day?

People who are active or specialize in sports need a higher protein intake than people who are sedentary throughout the day. If you are very active at work or do any type of exercise, such as swimming, running and boxing, you need more protein.

Professionally athletic people need a daily protein intake of 1.2 to 1.4 grams per kilogram of body weight . And older people need 0.45 to 0.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. This level of protein intake may help prevent osteoporosis and loss of muscle mass. Also, people needing more protein after having surgery or recovering from an injury may need more protein.

What are 5 benefits of protein?

Muscle mass increases
Protein is an essential nutrient for building and maintaining muscle. Sticking to your daily protein intake can help promote and maintain muscle growth after exercise.

Studies have shown that eating more protein foods increases muscle mass. Eating protein foods during normal activity or after strength training is good for increasing muscle mass. And protein prevents muscle loss that can occur while dieting.

Strengthens Bones
Some people think that eating animal protein foods is bad for bone and blood vessel health. However, several studies have shown that animal protein helps keep the body's major organs and bones healthy.

As you get older, you need to eat protein foods regularly. As we age, we need to eat more protein foods to maintain bone mass. And protein protects against the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Helps with diet
Eating a lot of protein foods can help you lose weight. Keeping your protein intake high increases your metabolism, which is great for burning body fat. This is because your body burns more calories by boosting your metabolism to digest protein foods.

Research shows that protein burns more calories than carbs or fat. That's why protein is so effective for weight loss.

Helps maintain weight
Increasing your daily protein intake can help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism and burning body fat. Studies have shown that overweight women who increase their protein diet by 30% lose an average of 5k.

And eating protein foods can help you maintain your weight after quitting the diet. After ending the diet, it is recommended to eat more protein foods to prevent yo-yo effects.

Lowers blood pressure
High blood pressure increases the risk of various diseases. It can cause health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, brain disease and chronic kidney disease.

Protein foods help lower blood pressure. Studies have shown that protein foods can lower blood pressure and lower levels of bad LDL cholesterol in the body.

Your average daily protein intake is:

For healthy men, the daily protein intake is between 56 and 91 grams.
For healthy women, the daily protein intake is 46 to 75 grams.

Some people may need to eat less protein foods due to problems with pre-existing medical conditions. However, most healthy people are better off eating more protein foods.

Each person's daily protein intake is different, so it's best to decide after consulting your doctor or nutritionist.

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