Don't search these things on google, you will have to go to jail!

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We are telling you about three such things that if you search on Google, then you may have to go to jail. So let's know about these 3 things that you have to stop searching on Google today.

Today the world of internet has become so big that you can search anything on it. Here you can do anything. If we talk about Google search, then you will get the answer to your every question from here. You can do some searching here. But searching anything on Google can be overwhelming for you. Yes you heard it right. We are telling you about three such things that if you search on Google, then you may have to go to jail. So let's know about these 3 things that you have to stop searching on Google today.

1. Child Pornography

If you search child pornography on Google, you may end up in jail. In India, the government has made a strict law regarding this, which can feed you the air of jail under the POSCO Act. If you are caught doing such a search on Google, then you can be jailed for 5 to 7 years.

2. How Bombs Are Made

This is also a sensitive issue. If you even accidentally search on Google how to make a bomb, then you may be in trouble. You may face legal action and you may come under the radar of the security agency. Also you can be jailed.

3. Abortion

If you also search for information related to abortion on Google, then you may be in trouble. For this, the Government of India has made strict laws. This is possible only after the approval of the doctor. So do not search anything like this on Google.

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