In the olden days, letters were sent from pigeons, know what was the scientific reason behind it

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You must have heard this song, pigeon ja ja ja, pigeon ja ja jaa, in which a letter is sent for the lover through pigeon. But the story of sending letters or messages through pigeons is not limited to films only, but this method was used for conversation in the olden days.

However, now messages and calls have replaced letters, while smart phones have come in place of pigeons. But have you ever wondered why pigeons were used to send messages or letters in the olden days, when people had the choice of different birds.

Pigeon never forgets the way

A scientific reason is hidden behind sending a letter or message through pigeon, about which very few people know. In fact, a pigeon never forgets any path, even if it has passed through that path only once. Also read – These mistakes related to AC can be heavy, if gas leaks, you may have to pay thousands of rupees

This is because the pigeon has a special system in its body, which works like a GPS. Due to this GPS system, the pigeon never forgets its way, while it uses the Magratorception skill to find a new way.

There are 53 types of specialized cells found in the pigeon's body, which serve to tell it the direction. Like humans, pigeons can easily recognize things and directions by looking at them, because a special type of protein is found in the retina of its eyes.

Due to all these reasons, pigeons were used to send messages or letters in the olden days, which never forgot their way or lost their direction. However, now the practice of sending messages from pigeons has ended, because in today's era everyone uses mobile phones.

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