Which food has the most purine?

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It is important to avoid or eat as few foods high in purines as possible to relieve the symptoms of gout. Gout occurs when high levels of uric acid in the blood cause crystals to form and accumulate in and around joints. And it is a very terrible and painful form of arthritis.

Uric acid is produced when the body breaks down a chemical called leurine. Purines also occur naturally in the body, but are found in high amounts in certain purine-rich foods. And most of the uric acid is eliminated from the body in the urine.

For gout, avoiding foods high in purines can help lower uric acid levels. We know that avoiding foods high in purines is the perfect treatment. However, it helps prevent gout from recurring and prevents joint damage. Gout sufferers are advised to eat foods low in purines, but take appropriate medications to lower uric acid levels.

How do purine-rich foods affect gout?

If you have gout, foods high in purines can increase your uric acid levels and cause pain. And most of the foods that cause pain are very rich in purines. When you eat foods high in purines , your body makes uric acid as a waste product.

Normally, this is not a major problem in healthy people because the body efficiently excretes excess uric acid in the urine. However, it is difficult for people with gout to completely eliminate excess uric acid in the urine. That's why eating foods that contain purines can lead to a buildup of uric acid, which can lead to gout attacks.

How to prevent gout?

These people can help prevent gout attacks by avoiding foods with purines and taking appropriate medications. Foods that commonly trigger gout attacks include organ meats, meat, shrimp, shellfish, and beer. And drinking fruit juice or soda that contains purines can also trigger a gout attack.

To prevent gout, it is important to have the following eating habits:

  • You should make it a normal weight.
  • You must have good eating habits.
  • Some foods that contain purines should be avoided.
  • You should eat foods that can control your uric acid levels.
  • Eating all foods in moderation is of utmost importance.

Indian foods to be avoided for Gout

To prevent a sudden gout attack, it is important to avoid foods high in purines. You can reduce gout attacks by looking for foods that contain 200mg of purines per 100g, such as:

Organs: Meat organ foods are high in purines and increase blood uric acid levels. You should avoid foods with internal organs such as intestines, intestines, lungs and liver.

Seafood: Seafood , including blue-backed fish, shrimp and crab, contains more purines than other seafood. Eating fish has health benefits, but it can be dangerous for gout sufferers. And white fish and red fish are good seafood that gout patients can safely eat.

It is recommended not to eat a lot of beef, pork and lamb. Chicken is safe to eat. Avoid eating vegetables high in purines, such as spinach and asparagus.

Beer: Beer is one of the factors that increases the risk of developing and recurring gout. However, wine, when consumed in moderation, does not significantly increase the risk of gout attacks.

Vitamin C: In some gout sufferers, vitamin C is one of the causes of gout pain. However, since not all gout sufferers are bad with vitamin C, it is a good idea to consult with your doctor.

Coffee: Coffee may also be a contributing factor to gout attacks and pain in some gout sufferers. Since each person is different, drinking a moderate amount of coffee can be a good thing.

Refined carbohydrate foods such as white bread, cakes and cookies are best avoided. Even though they may not be high in purines or fructose, they are low in nutrients and have the potential to raise uric acid levels.

What foods help clear up gout?

People with gout should avoid foods high in purines and it is important to lose weight to achieve a normal weight. And when considering your diet, you should choose foods with less than 100mg of purines per 100g.

Introducing foods that people with gout can safely eat.

Fruit: All fruits are safe to eat for people with gout. Cherries, in particular, can help prevent gout attacks by lowering uric acid levels and reducing inflammation.

Vegetable: Green vegetables such as mushrooms, potatoes, eggplant and cabbage are safe to eat.

Pulse: Foods made from soybeans, including soybeans, peas, lentils and tofu, are safe.

Nuts: Walnuts, almonds, cashews and sunflower seeds

Whole grains: Oats, brown rice, whole grain bread and barley are safe to eat.

Dairy product: All dairy products are safe to eat for people with gout. And it's better to choose low-fat dairy products.

Drink: Coffee, green tea, black tea and detox water

Healthy fat: Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Canola Oil and Flaxseed Oil

Other food: eggs, all herbs and spices

What is the fastest way to get rid of gout?

In addition to eliminating purine-rich foods from your diet, you can prevent gout by making lifestyle changes.

Need to lose weight

If you have gout, you may want to lose weight. This is because the older you are, the higher your risk of a gout attack. And if you break out of your normal weight and become overweight, your insulin resistance will decrease, making it harder to remove sugar from your blood. Insulin resistance can also promote uric acid levels, which can lead to gout attacks.

That's why you need to lose weight to reduce insulin resistance and lower your uric acid levels. However, extreme diets should be avoided. Eating too little can increase your risk of gout attacks.

You should exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help prevent gout attacks. Exercise, which helps maintain a healthy weight, is also good for lowering uric acid levels.

Studies have shown that people who run more than 8 km every day have a 50% lower risk of gout. That's why regular exercise can be effective in preventing gout attacks.

you need to drink a lot of water

Staying hydrated helps prevent gout attacks. This is because drinking plenty of water helps the body remove excess uric acid from the blood and excretes it in the urine. And when you exercise, it's important to drink more water because you can read hydration in your sweat.

You shouldn't drink beer

Beer is one of the leading causes of gout attacks. Beer is one of the foods high in purines, and when you drink beer, your body prioritizes the elimination of alcohol rather than uric acid. This is because uric acid can build up in the body and form crystals.

Studies have shown that drinking beer increases the risk of gout attacks. One to two glasses of beer per day increased the risk of gout by 36%, while two to four glasses of beer per day increased the risk of gout by a whopping 51%.

It is good to take vitamin C

Studies have shown that regular intake of vitamin C is effective in preventing gout attacks by lowering uric acid levels.

The reason is that vitamin C helps your kidneys remove more uric acid from your urine. However, vitamin C may not benefit all gout sufferers. This is because in some gouty people, taking vitamin C can cause a gout attack. Research is ongoing that vitamin C may benefit people with gout, so it may be a good idea to talk to your doctor.

People with gout should limit foods high in purines and plan a diet that can excrete uric acid in the urine. However, even if you consistently eat foods low in purines, it can be very difficult to get your blood uric acid levels down enough to treat gout.

However, it can help prevent gout attacks. To prevent gout, you need to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight by doing regular exercise. And taking the right medication is effective in reducing the risk of gout attacks.

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