Top 10 Vitamin D foods

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Vitamin d is the only nutrient your body can produce when exposed to sunlight.  However, you may be better off choosing foods high in vitamin d. Most people are always deficient in vitamin d because they don't get enough sunlight.

The reason is that many people spend more time indoors, use sunscreen, and do not eat foods high in vitamin d. The recommended daily intake of vitamin d from food is 20 mcg (micrograms). And if you don't get enough sunlight, your daily vitamin d intake is about 25 mcg. That's why it's important to keep your body supplied with foods high in vitamin D.

Why You Need Vitamin D

There are several important reasons why you might need vitamin D. The primary reason is to regulate calcium and phosphorus absorption and promote normal immune system function. And an adequate supply of vitamin D helps normal growth of bones and teeth and prevents certain diseases.

Insufficient supply of vitamin d in the body may also increase the incidence of Osteomalacia or osteoporosis.

Helps prevent some diseases

Vitamin d may help reduce the incidence of multiple sclerosis, heart disease and the flu. And it has been shown that overweight people taking a vitamin d dietary supplement daily can reduce their risk of heart disease.

Reduces depression

Studies have shown that vitamin d can help regulate mood and prevent depression. One study found improvement in symptoms in people with depression who were given vitamin d supplements.

Effective for diet

People who are trying to lose weight or are on a diet are advised to add foods high in vitamin d to their diet. And if you're having trouble getting a food supply, consider opting for a vitamin d dietary supplement.

Studies have shown that people who take a vitamin d dietary supplement and calcium daily lose more weight than those who don't. The reason is that vitamin d and calcium have an appetite-suppressing effect.

Which fruit is rich of vitamin D?

Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil is one of the best dietary supplements for people with vitamin D deficiency. For people who don't eat fish and seafood, cod liver oil is a good source of vitamin d. And it may be important to get certain nutrients from cod liver oil.

Also, there is about 5 ml of cod liver oil in 1 teaspoon. This is about 56% of the recommended daily intake. Cod liver oil has been widely used to prevent vitamin d deficiency in children.

And 1 teaspoon of cod liver oil contains about 5 ml of vitamin A. This is about 150% of the recommended daily intake. However, taking more than necessary can lead to vitamin A poisoning. For this reason, care should be taken not to consume more than the recommended daily amount of cod liver oil. 

Tuna Can

Many people choose canned tuna and use it in many dishes. And canned tuna has the advantage of being cheaper and longer shelf life than regular fresh tuna.

Additionally, 100 grams of canned tuna contains about 34% of the recommended daily value of vitamin D. Aside from that, canned tuna is also a great source of vitamin K and niacin.

However, canned tuna has higher levels of mercury than other fish. That's why eating large amounts of Tuna over a long period of time can increase the chances of it accumulating in the body and causing major health problems.


Salmon is a fish rich in fat and high in omega-3s. Salmon is one of the foods high in vitamin D.

However, there is a significant difference in the vitamin D content of wild-caught and farm-raised salmon. On average, 100 grams of wild-caught salmon contains about 124% of the recommended daily value of vitamin d. However, wild-caught salmon contains higher amounts of vitamin d.

That's why if you want to get a higher dose of vitamin d, choose wild-caught salmon over farmed salmon.


Mushrooms are the only plant food high in vitamin D. Interestingly, mushrooms produce vitamin D when exposed to the ultraviolet rays of sunlight. And mushrooms produce most of the vitamin d2.

Wild mushrooms also have higher amounts of vitamin d than cultivated mushrooms. However, it is better to choose cultivated mushrooms as wild mushrooms can be poisonous.

Egg yolk

Eggs are a nutrient-dense food and are very high in vitamin d. And those who don't eat fish are advised to opt for egg yolks.

Most of an egg's protein is in the white, but the yolk contains vitamins, minerals and fats. And one egg yolk has 5% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin D.

Additionally, the vitamin D content of egg yolks can vary depending on how much sunlight the chickens are exposed to and what they eat. In the case of chickens free-ranged in the sun with the same feed, they have 3 to 4 times more vitamin D than chickens that do not.

Sardine and Saury

Sardines and sauries are favorite fish for many people. And sardines and sauries can be used in a variety of dishes and are a convenient option for canning.

Sardines and saury are also high in vitamin D, providing 10-14% of the recommended daily amount. Fresh sardines and saury, or canned, provide similar amounts of vitamin D.

Which vegetable is high in vitamin D?

Vitamin D is mainly found in natural foods, but you can choose commercially available foods high in vitamin d based on your personal preference. During production, vitamin D is added to fortify nutrients and sell them.


Milk, the most commonly consumed, is a good source of several nutrients, including calcium, riboflavin and phosphorus. And milk is fortified with vitamin d. One glass of milk contains about 15 to 20 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin d.

Soy milk

Soymilk is a plant-based protein source suitable for people who do not eat animal products. And soy milk contains high amounts of vitamin d. For vegetarians, soy milk is a great vitamin D-rich food and source.

Also, soymilk is a protein source to replace cow's milk and fortified with other vitamins and minerals. One cup of soy milk contains about 13 to 15 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin d.

Orange juice

About 75% of people worldwide are lactose intolerant. And 2-3% of people have a dairy allergy. For this reason, vitamin d has been added to orange juice as an easy source of vitamin d.

Most orange juice is fortified with nutrients such as vitamin d and calcium. One cup of orange juice, a good breakfast food, contains about 10 to 12 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin d.

Cereal and Oatmeal

Some cereals and oatmeal are surprisingly high in vitamin d. 80 grams of cereal and oatmeal contain up to 17% of the recommended daily value of vitamin d.

How can I increase my vitamin D?

The best way to get your vitamin d is to spend plenty of time in the sun when the weather is nice. However, getting enough sunlight exposure is difficult for most people.

That's why you need to get a steady supply by eating foods high in vitamin d. Eating plenty of foods rich in vitamin d can help improve your health.

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