How much caffeine is in an average coffee?

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Coffee is one of the biggest sources of caffeine. A typical cup of coffee averages about 95 mg of caffeine. However, different coffee brands and beverages contain different levels of caffeine in coffee. It varies widely, from 1 mg to 200 mg on average.

Factors Affecting Coffee Caffeine Content

Coffee caffeine content can vary depending on a number of factors, including:
  • Types of coffee beans: There are many types of coffee beans available, and the more natural the coffee, the higher the caffeine content.
  • Differences in roasting: Heavier roasts have a deeper flavor, while lighter roasts may contain more caffeine. 
  • Type of coffee: Caffeine content may vary depending on the type of coffee being brewed. Black coffee, espresso, instant coffee and decaffeinated coffee all have different amounts of caffeine.
  • Amount per serving: The amount of coffee in a cup (30-500ml) can have a significant impact on overall caffeine content.

How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee?

The main determinant of caffeine content in coffee can be influenced by the type of coffee you drink.

Instant coffee

Instant coffee is made from freeze-dried or spray-dried brewed coffee. It is generally characterized by large, dry coffee crystals and good solubility in water. Instant coffee is often referred to as mixed coffee.

And to drink instant coffee, simply add 1-2 teaspoons, add sugar or cream, depending on your taste, and mix with hot water. Also, instant coffee contains less caffeine than regular drip coffee or espresso. A cup of instant coffee contains about 30 to 90 mg of caffeine .

Drip coffee

It is the most commonly preferred coffee. Drip coffee is usually made by pouring hot water over ground coffee beans contained in a filter. And various drip coffee machines are sold in online shopping malls or large marts.

One cup of brewed drip coffee contains approximately 70 to 14 mg of caffeine.


Espresso is a beverage sold in coffee shops. It is made by directly grinding the coffee beans and using hot steam from an espresso machine. Espresso may have more caffeine when compared on a standard cup of regular coffee. However, because 1 cup of espresso is small, it has a lower caffeine content than regular coffee.

One cup of brewed espresso contains about 50 to 63 mg of caffeine. A double shot of espresso contains about 110 to 125 mg of caffeine.

Espresso drink

There are many types of espresso drinks that are most popular in coffee shops. Espresso drinks are blended with milk and there are many different types of coffee drinks. 

Espresso drinks include caffe latte, cappuccino, caramel macchiato and caffe mocha. And since milk doesn't contain caffeine, espresso drinks contain the same amount of caffeine as espresso.

One cup of espresso drink contains about 60 to 125 mg of caffeine.

Decaffeinated coffee

Decaffeinated coffee, as the name suggests, is not completely caffeine free. One cup of decaffeinated coffee can contain 0 to 7 mg of caffeine, with an average of 3 mg.

However, some types of coffee and decaffeination techniques may contain higher amounts of caffeine.

Caffeine content in coffee shops

Beverages sold at coffee shops may contain more caffeine than coffee you drink at home. And the largest size cup sold in coffee shops is about 1 liter. The amount of coffee sold in such a large cup is about 3 to 5 regular size cups.

How much Caffeine in Starbucks coffee ?

Starbucks is a world-class coffee shop and you can already find it easily in Korea. And Starbucks offers the beverage with the highest caffeine content of coffee. The caffeine content of coffee sold at Starbucks is as follows. (Based on Americano)

  • Short size: 130mg
  • Tall Size: 150mg
  • Grande Size: 230mg
  • Venti Size: 310mg

Additionally, Starbucks' espresso-based beverages have an average coffee caffeine content of about 75 mg (per tall size). These include cafe lattes, cappuccinos, caramel macchiatos and cafe mochas.

And a coffee drink with 2-3 shots of espresso added contains about 150-310 mg of caffeine. Additionally, one cup of decaffeinated coffee sold at Starbucks (tall size) contains 5 mg of caffeine.

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